Model UN

Model UN is a club at WHS, where students are assigned a specific country each year as if they were the United Nations. Every year, the schools participating in MUN get to choose a country from a specified region. Last year, the region was Latin America, and WHS represented Costa Rica. Each student gets assigned a topic from the list, an example being child labor, and they research how said topic correlates with their country, like the laws in place in their country, security measures, how big of a problem it is in that country, etc. 

There are no qualifications needed to join MUN besides pure interest. No fees are needed to participate in the club unless the student involved wants to go on the annual NYC trip, taking the students to the actual NYC United Nations building. The students have the privilege to speak with the UN representative of the country they researched and presented that year. MUN is currently researching and gathering information about their country in the region of Africa. They are prepping for next year, when the first conference will be in December.