The bridge program is a free transitioning program for incoming freshmen to get to know the high school and the expectations for their freshman year. The program took place a few weeks before school for 4 days from 8 AM to 11 AM. High school teachers, 8th-grade teachers, and upperclassmen helped run the program and activities for the day’s theme. The themes of the day were: Getting Around; Having toured and finding their locker. Getting Involved; Getting to know the clubs and sports. Asking For Help; Knowing where to go if they’re having trouble and struggling with stress. Seeing the Schedule; Students get their schedule and wall the path of their classes around the school to understand better where the classrooms are.
This program has been ongoing for 3 years and has about 50 to 60 freshmen each year. The students who finish and participate through all 4 days get an extra half credit for graduation. For 8th graders this year, an email will be sent to all parents including all the info around May 2024 for next year’s bridge Program.