Ronny LeBlanc, Author of Monsterland 1 and 2, came to Watertown High School on January 28th, 2024 from 2-3:30 pm to speak about Bigfoot and the paranormal. Sun, Moon, and Stars, an autism support organization, proudly sponsored the event, and all proceeds went to the WHS theater program. Mindi Davidson, Administrative Assistant of Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services, organized the event along with other staff of the Watertown District. Students of the theater program were also able to get community service hours to help. They all helped sell his books Monsterland 1 and 2, took photos for guests, and helped direct and guide attendees.
LeBlanc grew up in Leominster, Massachusetts, and now lives in the Watertown area. He highlighted some of his personal experiences and provided examples of bigfoot and events possibly connected to the UFO enigma. LeBlanc has a very large passion for the paranormal and is very knowledgeable in that realm. LeBlanc also has a discovery channel called “Expedition Bigfoot.” To learn even more about Ronny visit his website