This year the annual K-12 Art Show and the Tri-M Coffee House, will be hosted in Watertown High School on Wednesday, April 12th from 4:30-6pm followed by a musical show! The school’s doors will open to invite parents and students inside to marvel at the works of art provided from the various participating schools including John Trumbull, Swift, Polk, Judson and WHS.
The walls of the first floor hallways will be covered from floor to ceiling in the students’ creations, divided by grade and school. While entry is free, donations will be accepted at the door! The donations will go towards funding the art department.
At 6PM visitors are welcomed to stop by in the WHS cafeteria for a wonderful sequence of musical performances to finish off the night. The show will feature the Elementary Jazz Band, Swifts Jazz Band & String Ensemble, the WHS chorus performance, as well as a musical performance of “The Aristocats Kids” by Polk students.