Halloween on Media: United in Celebration


TikTok, a social media platform, shares its love for Halloween throughout October by creating challenges and videos to help those confused about a costume as well as spreading cosmetic trends to suit the season. Social Media is most commonly known for the groups of different people who love the same activities – or instead, in this case, holidays. TikTok’s community is passionate about holidays with silly challenges everyone can perform. The app tends to do quite a lot for Halloween: spooky challenges, ghostly makeup, and trendy costumes!

Last-minute costumes are quite the struggle, mostly when the costume doesn’t fit as it should. The TikTok fashion community has been full of costumes this year. Multiple users are posting to the hashtag Last Minute Halloween Costume, where users find different outfits to wear in a time crunch. @Bethanyyschmidt, a fashion influencer on TikTok, has been posting fashionable and manageable costumes that fit right in with the popular takes of this year, such as Men in Black, Daphne from Scooby Doo, and Cruella de Vil.

The beauty community on TikTok has also been sharing looks to serve for the spooky season. 31 Days of Halloween is a massive challenge for the MUAs (Makeup Artists) on the app and allows them to celebrate Halloween and share their passion. For makeup, the challenge starts with a list of names of movies or characters selected randomly, followed by creating the look selected. The MUA can choose to use prosthetics (flexible material that can shape a face) or face paint to enhance their color choices to pop on the skin. Artist, @bryan.mua, adds an extra step to attempt to push the challenge just a little more, by incorporating Glam, or SFX, to elevate his look to another level.