Movie Review: No Country For Old Men


Picasa 2.7

No Country For Old Men is definitely a must watch for anyone who likes thriller and suspenseful movies. This move had me on the edge of my seat for the entire run time of 2 hours. This movie was released in 2007 and directed by Ethan Coen and Joel Coen. The movie followed an ex-military man named Llewyn Moss who stumbled upon a million dollars after a failed drug deal, but a ruthless killer named Anton Chigurh is after him while the Sheriff of the town is trying to protect Llewyn Moss. I rated this movie a 9/10 because it was absolutely stunning visually with the cinematography and gritty color scheme and the acting was excellent. The ending of the movie showed a lot of symbolism and was really left up to interpretation. This is a great film and should definitely be viewed by people who like physiological and movies that make you think.