How Covid is Affecting the World Today

The first case of Covid-19 was reported on December 31, 2019, killing an estimated 3 million people in 2020, and as of 2023, the global death toll lies at 6.8 million. The rate of death has slowed down but it’s still far from zero, as vaccines do exist. These aren’t mandatory in many countries, leading to many citizens going unvaccinated keeping Covid an existing issue among the susceptible. The Coronavirus has also shown to be an extremely adaptable virus with many mutated variants popping up across the globe. Counters to these mutations come in the form of booster shots. Despite all these modern remedies, the fact remains that Covid-19 is still an ongoing virus and although it’s fallen from its peak, it’s likely never going to disappear.
In recent times, Covid-19 has come back into mainstream media not due to a spike in deaths or any variants, but disputes on the original source of the virus. A new report from the US Department of Energy claims Covid was likely leaked from a lab, while numerous scientists and other previous reports are against this theory, and many mainstream media outlets have jumped at the opportunity to report on this controversial idea. A 2021 investigation from WHO (World Health Organization) has deemed this theory unlikely. Other reports say that this virus was likely passed from animals to humans, and other reports have just come up uncertain. The reality is that none of these theories are guaranteed, they’re just theories, and with the lack of information surrounding the origin of the virus, it’s probable that the true source may never be identified.

Tony Figueroa is a sophomore at WHS and second time writer for the school's newsletter. While he's not a consistent writer, he puts effort into all the...