Calla Solla
Calla Solla is a 14-year-old freshman at Watertown High School. This year is her first year writing for the WHS newsletter, she is very excited to see what these next few years in publishing will hold for her. Calla is a part of the Watertown High School volleyball team, she enjoys her teammates and has made plenty of new friends. She is currently very involved with her community, she takes on coaching for the Swift Middle School volleyball team. She loves helping kids improve at what they want to pursue. Calla takes her time in classes to do the best that she can, she loves to read and write and is very intrigued with science. Calla is very excited to see how her high school years are going to change her not only as a person but also as a student. Her goals she's hoping to pursue during her time in publishing are, to become a better writer, and learn how to work better with her peers.
All content by Calla Solla
April is the month for autism awareness. During this month autism is brought to attention in order to gain acceptance and education. Having a dedicated month lets businesses, foundations, and individuals...
On February 7th, medical officials confirmed that a citizen from Oregon was diagnosed with The Bubonic Plague. This confirmed case of The Bubonic Plague originally raised fear to the local citizens,...
This Winter, the lab assistants for family and consumer science, senior Julia Conard and junior Olivia Van Dyke, took a virtual French Macaron Class to learn more about French courses. This whole...
One hot morning of August, a bomb was dropped onto a Yemeni school bus in Dahyan. The Saudi bomb killed 44 children and 10 adults. Sadly, over the past 9 years, similar situations like this have recurred...
A current conflict happening in Sudan leaves citizens injured and wishing for peace. The Sudanese war has been ongoing since April of 2023 and is escalating due to the fight over the capital city, Khartoum. ...
Watertown Volleyball 2023 has now come to an end, leaving senior teammates without their sport and underclassman teammates without their seniors. Every hit and dig that made the games captivating has now...
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